The ECS Quiz Bowl team is competing today at CMU in the annual Quiz Central tournament. Good Luck!!!
Today Mrs. Terrybery's Life Skills class visited the Banks Township Town Hall to observe the voting process. Thanks to Mrs. Terryberry for making sure students are exposed to this opportunity.
Building Trades students in Mr. Certa's class are onto their next project; framing and setting walls for the new press box/concession stand at the elementary ball field.
It's Coffee Time. Parents are invited to join the ECS staff while enjoying coffee, tea and pastries on Friday, November 17 from 7:30-8:00 in the ECS Elementary cafeteria. Sponsored by the ECS PTO.
Congratulations to Central Lake-Ellsworth football on their win Friday night. The team now advances to the semifinals on Saturday, November 11 at 3:00 PM in Central Lake against Stephenson. Good Luck
Building trades students were given the assignment to install a frame inside the green house so a heater could be mounted. A job well done!
Ellsworth FFA members are attending the 90th National FFA Convention and Expo this week in Indianapolis, IN. The members are attending student leadership workshops and sessions, and learning about agricultural careers. These Ellsworth students are networking with ag industry leaders and over 65, 000 fellow members from all across the United States.
Congratulations to the boys and girls cross country country teams on their finishes at today’s Class D State Championship meet. The boys finished 3rd and the girls finished 4th.
Thanks to Mrs. Pletcher for taking the sophomore class on a college visit to NCMC today. The kids had a great time visiting various departments and even ran into a few ECS alumni on their trip.
Kindergarten is enjoying the Mat Man Manipulative that Ms. Miller received from a Learning Without Tears workshop she recently attended.