There's an App for that!

ECS Announces New Communications Package

Ellsworth Community School is excited to announce the launch of a new communications package. The campaign is part of a larger effort to inform students, parents, families and the general Ellsworth community of the positive stories that happen inside the district.

The new mobile applications for iPhone and Android will provide parents with information such as events, sports scores, cafeteria menus, emergency notifications, and other pertinent school updates. The free mobile apps available in the Google Play Store and the Apple App Store will launch alongside a revamped, mobile-friendly website. The address for the district’s website,, will not change, however the content of the website will be more up to date featuring current school related events.

To download the app visit the app store on your mobile device and search Ellsworth Lancers, MI.

In addition, the district will be employing a revamped emergency notification system. The primary function of the notification system will be to place voice calls and send text message to parents in the case of school related emergencies or weather delays and cancelations. In addition parents will be notified of students’ unexcused absences as well as negtive lunch balances.

ECS would like to encourage all parents and community members to download the district’s app to keep abreast of current school events, positive stories, important announcements, and emergency notifications. The app, newly designed website, and emergency notification system are an example of the district’s ongoing commitment positive communication with parents and families.